Thursday, March 8, 2007

Work Forward Slash Service

Today I am working on a theatrical set for Pennsylvania Youth Theatre's upcoming attraction "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". This service is one of the things I do to"make a living" which is an overstatement. I chose the word service with care because while enjoying this work immensely the compensation I receive barely keeps me in chicken thighs (which despite being the cheapest cut of chicken are in fact about the most tasty), does not heat my space, or pay for medical insurance, or enable me to build a bathroom, or kitchen, or plumbing of any sort, or clothe fact this work forward slash service barely pays my rent. The set is to be installed overnight this Sunday thru Monday an inconvenience for which I will not be compensated in any traditionally conceived manner like overtime or doubletime. No, for this labor of pleasure it is necessary for me to PAY FOR ADDITIONAL HELP. Thankfully Weaver my Pennybillionaire associate is helping me and has also agreed to accept a pittance from me for his generosity. You better believe I have gratitude. It was at such a moment not too long ago that the inspiration for Pennybillionaires occurred. This idea is no joke to us, Hamilton, Weaver and I are industrious and employed artists who are happy to service society at large with our artwork and ideas because we passionately believe in the power of art to transform the lives of others. I am self-supporting, well if you can describe my income as supporting, and committed, and more or less permanently employed in my endeavours, yet because of the nature of my chosen profession am unable to get ahead, you know, to move up and out so to speak. I have always been and will always be a self supporting artist, my background is blue collar humble, yet I have been a professional artist for 26 years, a feat remarkable in itself. The point is people my brothers and I need help financially, please consider this while you peruse our website and I hope you enjoy the light hearted manner of our request to you for funding i.e. by sending us your penny(s) contributions.

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