Monday, March 5, 2007

Pilfered Penny(s)

OK it's been a while but I finally Learned myself how to access our blog.

After several attempts I cornered my mailman, the same mailman who issued me the specific address, it seems that our mail has been going to another recipient in our building. This fella, the recipient, was also unable to identify his "office" by the # on his door, and it seems decided to keep our 2 pieces of mail and our (so we have been informed) 8 pennies, 1 Cal. State Lottery ticket and 1 paperclip for himself. So far our fortune is not growing but my enthusiasm for our project and my faith in the altruistic nature of our fellow web users is not diminished. In fact the opposite is true because our campaign is working. Imagine my facial expression as dumb delight and surprise. Well, nothing to see here.....yet, but I'll keep you informed

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