Monday, March 19, 2007


Paypal assured me it is now fully functional. They tell me no deposits have been made to the account which is for want of a word, unfortunate. My only credit card was suspended today, which was another highlight of this rich day. Paypal assured me, however, that it is now fully functional.

Today we were gifted with 192 penny(s) and 1 nickel. Our running total is now 207 penny(s). Once again the money came hand delivered which does nothing to advance our online mission. Nether-the-less the donation was of course received with gratitude. I feel a long way from penny-billionairedom, and I have to remind myself that it is 20 times closer today than it was yesterday. Our fortunes have increased overnight by a factor of 20 and I am still totally broke. Today it is difficult to remember my good fortune, my good health, my good friends. Today my spirit feels dinged up. I have to dig deep to resurrect the force, somewhere in here I believe.

I believe the good people of this world will see our mission, the mission of Hamilton, Weaver, and Pepper, to escape poverty 1 unwanted penny at a time for it's honest simplicity and harmlessness and they will help. I believe this help will come because everybody can appreciate a good luck success story. Everybody would like it to happen for someone, especially for someone that they have taken a personal interest in helping. I am grateful that you have taken the time to read this. I am grateful to have taken the time to write it. I have chosen a life of service thru the arts and all I desire is the opportunity to continue to serve, I only ask you to help by sending me your unwanted and discarded copper colored loose change. Thank you for your time.

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